Halloween 2008-My side of the story

This is my costume this year! I love it!

*Halloween 2008*

Finally the school bell rang, it was Halloween and I was excited to trick or treat. After I got home, my mom went to the store to buy hot dogs, bisquit dough, and cheese. When she got home, her voice was croaky.

“Here we go again…” I thought.

“I’m fine” she insisted.

But, sure enough, five minutes later, she needed her Epipen. So, Dad called the ambulance and told us to get ready for Halloween. I went upstairs and changed into my Dorothy costume while Dad called our friend’s who live nearby. Then Dad told my brother to walk us down to their house.

The firetruck got to our house just as we were walking away. I felt sad, worried, and dissappointed.

Our friends walked over to our street to meet us. They were not big trick or treating people, so we only trick or treated for 20 minutes. Usually our family trick or treats for a couple of hours, until we get too tired to go any farther.

But, their neighbors always throw a big Halloween party and we got to join them. We had hot chocolate and popcorn. They were playing a movie and we got to watch it with them.

Finally, our silver car pulled into our friends driveway.

I knew everything would be okay.

I’m hoping that we will trick or treat extra long this year. Maybe mom can finish making the mummy hotdogs that she had started :)

Thanks for reading my story.

If you haven't read my dad's yet click here

If you want to read my brother's click here

If you want to go to Mom's click here
Today at dance class we practiced for our dance recital! Our costumes are so cute. The recital will be at the biulding next to art mueseum downtown. I'm very excited. The costumes are either blue and black or green and black.We are doing the song What It Takes it's from Camp Rock!

I'm a blogger now!

The rest of my family are bloggers so I wanted to do one for myself. It is funner than I thought!

So for my first picture I wanted you to see me in my first cast... not recently, my hand is well now!